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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Street Wars System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:51:38 Views : 31178 Cheat : To access the cheat mode, start a game and while selecting which team color to play, you type any one of the cheat codes below and press return. If you have typed it correctly you will hear a beep. This can be repeated for however many of the codes you wish to trigger. Then, when within the game, you can toggle the cheat modes which you have selected on/off by pressing the C key. Each cheat code enables different elements of cheating: Code Result speed364 = Allow speed up game in network mode worker928 = Allow buying of workers at any time pickup036 = Allow picking up of enemy beacons weapons563 = Allow buying of any weapon for gangster tenants872 = Allow selection of any tenant at any time loans458 = Allow borrowing of any amount with bank estates216 = Allow buying of an estate without conditions Money Trick Enable the "borrow any amount" code. Borrow up to $21,475,000. The BANK WILL PAY the player $214,756 each month instead of the player having to pay interest on the loan. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Street Wars cheat codes.
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